Minimise Risks in ENT Surgery
ENT surgeons undertake a wide range of interventions, and as with any surgery, there are potential risks to the patient and clinicians. PMP has compiled the following risk tips to assist our ENT policyholders to…
Confidentiality – Disclosure to Third Parties
Doctors have a legal and ethical duty to keep all information relating to patients secure. However, whilst the duty of confidentiality is an important principle, it is not without exceptions. Exceptions to the duty may…
Consent Guide
Risk Management Strategies for Informed Consent Contents: The framework for informed consent Legal position and professional obligations regarding informed consent Informed consent in cognitively impaired patients Informed consent in children Refusal of consent Patient comprehension…
Case Study – Orthopaedics: Wrong Site Surgery
Facts A 72-year-old male patient was consented for a total right knee replacement by a consultant orthopaedic surgeon in the private sector. The consent process took place six weeks prior to surgery, during an outpatient…
Learning from Dermatology Cases: Minimise the Risks
In dermatology, as with all specialties, a patient may be dissatisfied with the outcome of the care or treatment they have received. As a result, a complaint or clinical negligence claim may be initiated by…
Updated Good Medical Practice 2024 – What does it mean for doctors?
Following a consultation involving thousands of doctors, patients and others working in healthcare, the updated version of the General Medical Council’s (GMC) ‘Good medical practice’ (GMP) came into effect on 30 January 2024. Most doctors regularly refer…